Monday, November 01, 2004

My daughter is six, and I should be 25 again (but I would go for 28)

I know I had tons written here, but maybe it is meant to be blank for today. Yes, I turn the dreaded 30 in...5 dreaded days.
They say that women in their 30's are at their sexual prime. Is it because they have an excuse (age) for their physical flaws (cellulite, sagging bottom and boobs, stretch marks from children or the college freshman 15)? Hmm, I am not sure. Is it because they (if they did everything on time) have a career, so they feel like they are coming into their own?
I am not sure how much of this applies to me. I am tired from years of college, but when I clean up, I clean up well. I could work out a lot more, but I have always had a nice body. I am HATING the signs of age on my naked body. What happened to being a hardbody? Why does it take 3 hours a day to maintain that? And why isn't my life arranged so that I can do that? I miss being buff and hard and having my skin glisten. Now I am pale, with staticy hair (another reason I hate winter), I am losing weight but gaining fat as my once beautiful dancer muscles wither away....Where do they go, anyway?
Is there some muscle monster who goes in and eats them away? Can I catch him and get them back?
Honestly, everyone says that 30 is no big deal, but it IS. It's a big deal because the 30's don't exist. I mean, you have your "twenty-somethings", who are still young enough to have an excuse to party and dance all night. They can still dress young and hip and not look silly doing it. It is harder to carry off in your thirties. In your forties, you are visible again as a mom, careerwoman, experiencing a mid-life crisis, whatever. There are clothes and shows and cosmetics and any number of things aimed at both the twenty-somethings and the over-40's. So where do the thirties belong? You aren't old enough to wear elastic-waisted pants, but yet you're spreading just enough to not be able to wear those junior style pants with the ultra low rise and WAY too tight legs. When did my thighs get too tight for junior pants? And why do misses sizes have that room for saddlebags? I am not there yet!!!
So, I can't wear juniors (too tight and slim), yet I am not built for misses.
So, I guess the thirties is about again redefining yourself so that when you get to your 40's, you can forge ahead, gung-ho about your future and what you are doing with it.
I still don't know if I should cry or be happy this Sunday. I want to get out of the house. Maybe I should become more involved in the PTA at my daughter's school. Wow, I am no longer that young mom, but just a mom, of definite child-bearing age. When will they stop carding me at restaurants? They have started already.
Part of me is happy about turning 30...almost like I have a reason, an excuse to be so serious. (I have always been way too serious for my age).
Well, on that note, I have tons of work to do for school. I will graduate in 6 months, and I am scared shitless. I am gonna have to do something else with myself. I won't have the excuse of school to stay out of events anymore....but that is another story for another time.
Adieu, and Carpe Diem, as they say.


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