Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Are we there yet?

Thinking about graduation and spending time with those I love, when I should be studying for biochem. With only 2 weeks left, it is hard to focus. I just want to have it end. 3 more exams, one more lab report. It's gonna suck having to take one flipping class, but that's okay. At least I get my summer for myself. Good luck trying to find a job without a degree though. Yuck!
I observed at the OB clinic today. ..sat in on 2 sonograms and 2 genetic counseling sessions....very interesting. Too bad there is no genetic counseling program here in NM. There are only about 30 in the nation! wow.
Sonography seems pretty cool, too. I would probably get bored doing it every day, but it seems like a neat thing to do. Who knows? I am gonna hang out in Labor and Delivery on Friday. Yeah!!! Gonna bring a sack dinner and camp out. I should probably buy some nice, comfy, flat black shoes for that. hmmmmm
So I should go to bed, but for some reason lately I keep staying up, like I am gonna miss something or forget something crucial. Nothing is too crucial with only 2 weeks left.
I am not trying to think about Landrie, who now wants to move out with her boyfriend. ugh. Speaking of, she just got home....think it's time to go to bed now, perhaps.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

My life as a graduate

Okay, I am not a graduate yet, but nearly there. I have no flippin' clue what to do with myself. I am over that whole 30-thing. I mean, I am still dealing with the body thing, but as school winds down for the year (for the past 6 yrs!), I am finding time and energy to work out again. I have muscles!!
I am in so many honor societies...my gown is going to be seriously crowded at commencement with cords, medallions, a stole, pins, the works, and I don't even graduate until December. I want to walk with friends, though. In six years or so on campus, I have really only made friends this past year, and mainly because of Golden Key. Maybe that is why I am such a geek about it. I felt like such a floater until the past year or so. Not any longer. I have awards and certificates galore to hang on my walls...yet no diploma yet. And I can't get a blasted job without it!
Don't get me started on the whole wedding in September and having to pay for it. I think that will be a separate blog altogether!
